Backlinks Reward Calculation

Discover how you can earn high-quality backlinks with our rewards program. Increase your domain authority, attract organic traffic, and boost your online presence.

How to Earn Free Backlinks

  1. Write an article.
  2. Add the campaign domain as a hyperlink inside the article.
  3. Post the article on free guest post websites and ensure it's published.
  4. Login using your username and password.
  5. Press "Submit New Request."
  6. Copy the URL of the article you posted on the guest website and paste it into the "Backlink Proof URL" field.
  7. Fill in the "Reward Backlink Destination" with the URL where you want the backlinks rewards to be directed.
  8. Select the "Current Campaign" and ensure it matches the one mentioned in your article.
  9. Submit the request.
  10. Once the status is marked as complete, the website you provided in the "Reward Backlink Destination" will be credited with the amount of the reward backlinks.
Domain Authority Range Backlinks Reward
DA 0-20 100
DA 20-30 500
DA 30-50 1000
DA 50-70 3000
DA 70+ 6000
Traffic Range Backlinks Reward
1k-2k 500
2k-4k 1000
4k+ 2000

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